Vitamins Supplements

Natural Vitamin Sources

Natural Vitamin Sources

There are a lot of people who do not have enough natural vitamin sources in their diet and therefore suffer from a deficiency of one or more vitamins.

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Guide to the B Complex Vitamins

A Guide to the B Complex Vitamins

There is a lot of discussion about the B complex vitamin and how it is essential for the body to perform a multitude of functions. However, the B complex vitamin is not simply one very complicated vitamin, as the name might suggest.

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Liquid Vitamin Supplements

Liquid Vitamin Supplements

Several years ago, liquid vitamin supplements were never heard of. In the past, tablets and pills were the ideal way to take supplements. Although they were considered to be great, they wouldn’t get into the bloodstream of the body fast enough, with some people just passing them through the body without reaping the benefits

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All About Vitamin A and Hair Vitamin

All About Vitamin A and Hair Vitamin

Vitamin A was first discovered back in 1912, by a Polish biochemist named Casimir Funk. He came up with the word vitamine, which was later given the name vitamin.

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The Basics and Importance of the B12 Vitamin

The Basics and Importance of the B12 Vitamin

The b12 vitamin is just one of the essential b vitamins that are needed to maintain a healthy body and mind. Cobalamin is the alternative name for the 12b vitamin. The body needs the b12 vitamin for a number of different processes including converting the fats, carbohydrates and proteins from all food that is consumed into energy.

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